ABOUT_1AN について

元々は、実店舗をかまえて販売を開始する予定でした。そこを “ 1つのいおり ” と称してやっていこうということで、1つの庵、それが 1AN(イチアン)となりました。

何でも試そうという意味の “ 1 つの案 ” 、チームもアイデアも “ アンバランス(それもそれでいいじゃないか…むしろそれがいいんだ)” だという意味も含めた名前になっています。

そんなチーム 1AN のモットーが、Easy and Free(楽しく、自由に)。前向きに、プラス思考でいこうという想いを込めて、“ and ” を “ + ” にかえた EASY + FREE としました。これを T シャツにしてしまうほど、こうありたいと思っています。


Originally, we planned to open an actual store and start selling our products. We decided to call it "1 Iori," which means "one hermitage," and so it became 1AN (ichian).

The name "ICHIAN" also includes the meaning of "one idea," which means "let's try everything," and "unbalance" in terms of teams and ideas (which is fine...in fact, that's what we like).

The motto of Team 1AN is "Easy and Free. We have changed the "and" to "+" to create "EASY + FREE" with the idea of being positive and thinking positively. We want to be like this so much that we made this into a T-shirt.

Based in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, we are now producing and selling our products.


昔々。まだ iPhone の i の文字も存在しない、遥か昔のお話。

パソコン画面には、ドットと呼ばれる “点” を使って作られた、文字やイラスト(ドット絵と呼ばれる)があふれていた。

古めかしいドットを用いて現代風にデザインした、 オリジナル T シャツ。
“懐かしさ” と “新鮮さ” が、白い T シャツの上で交差する。

温故知新? Old is New?

以上の制作コンセプトをもとに、T シャツ制作を開始しました。



1AN Team Staff

Once upon a time. A long time ago, when the "i" in iPhone did not even exist yet.

The computer screen was full of letters and illustrations (called "dots") created using "dots".

This is an original T-shirt designed in a modern style using old-fashioned dots.

Nostalgia and freshness intersect on a white T-shirt.

Old is New?

Comfort is up to each person. Whatever it is, let's enjoy it. Today, too.

Based on the above production concept, we started T-shirt production.

We are using dots that now seem fresh, even though they are nostalgic.

There are many other things that I am thinking about, agonizingly and continuously, but I will continue to enjoy them and create freely.

Today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. Let's have fun and be free.

1AN Team Staff